
Personal Injury

Seeking Justice for You

At Legal Focus LLP, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that accidents can take on individuals and their families. We are dedicated to providing unwavering support and comprehensive legal representation to those who have suffered harm due to negligence or wrongful actions. Whether it’s a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, or other manner of negligence, we work hard to ensure the law works for our clients.

Personal Injury Lawyers Windsor

How Legal Focus LLP Can Help

At Legal Focus LLP, we understand the challenges that personal injury victims face. Our team is committed to providing unwavering support and legal service throughout the process. We strive to ensure that our clients’ rights are protected and that they receive fair compensation for their losses. Our approach includes thorough case evaluations, effective negotiation, and, if necessary, skilled courtroom advocacy  to achieve the best possible result.

Our Process


Free Consultation

Your journey with Legal Focus LLP begins with a free consultation. During this meeting, we will listen to your account of the accident, evaluate the merits of your case, and advise you on the best course of action.


Thorough Investigation

Our legal team will conduct a comprehensive investigation into the accident to gather crucial evidence, including witness statements, medical records, and accident reports. This information will help build a strong case on your behalf.

Medical Evaluation

We collaborate with medical experts to assess the extent of your injuries and the potential long-term effects on your life. Understanding the full impact of your injuries is vital in determining the appropriate compensation amount.


Our skilled negotiators will engage with insurance companies and the at fault party’s representatives to seek a fair settlement. We will diligently represent your interests and seek maximum compensation for your damages.


Our lawyers will readily pursue your case through trial if an agreeable settlement cannot be reached. We welcome the opportunity to present your case before a judge and jury if necessary to obtain appropriate compensation.


Client-Centered Approach

Throughout the process, our team will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer any questions you may have, and guide you to alleviate any anxieties you might experience.


Marcela S. Aroca

Stephen Yoker

Eric Florjancic

Lisa Grant

Krystal Taylor

Jacob Burling

Nicole Sharma

Contact Info

1357 Ottawa St.
Windsor ON
N8X 2E9

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